El periodo voluntario de pago de esta tasa es del 1 octubre al 5 diciembre 2022.
The tax of this rate is the use of the special public with the entry of vehicles in buildings or property, through the sidewalks.
When there is a watershed in the public highway, meaning that any modification to the structure of the pavement and kerb directed exclusively to facilitate access to premises or vehicles adjacent to the public highway, it is presumed to be carried out such special use of the public highway while not mandatory has applied for leave.
Will be obliged to pay this rate the owners of farms or premises for those who provide access these entries of vehicles, who may have an impact assessment on the beneficiaries of development.
The obligation to contribute to this rate is born from the beginning of the use, even if it does not have obtained a license. Contributions will be annual and prorrateables by semesters.
Más información en la actual ordenanza reguladora de la Tasa por aprovechamiento especial de la vía pública con entrada de vehículos 2022.
Si desea domiciliar su recibo en 1 sólo plazo, la fecha de cargo en cuenta será el23 november 2002.