The voluntary period of payment of this tax is 5/march to 5/may/2023.
The tax on Mechanical Traction is a tribute to collect direct ownership of the vehicles of this nature, roadworthy by roads, irrespective of their class and category.
It considers vehicle suitable for the movement which had been enrolled in public registers and until it has left office. For the purposes of this tax will also be considered as suitable vehicles fitted with temporary permits and registration desk.
The tax liability to demand will be set at the rate contained in the annex to be adopted jointly with the ordinance regulating the tax on Mechanical Traction 2021 forming an integral part thereof.
In case you have installed your receipts1 timethe date of debit will17/april/2023.
Receipts for amountequal to or exceeding eur 60they are domiciled in2 deadlinesthe charges in account will be held on17marchand17 april 2023.