Implementation Zero Quota Rate Garbage

Who can request this bonus at the rate of garbage?

Se les aplicará cuota cero euros a aquellos sujetos pasivos, pensionistas y demás personas que no convivan a expensas de otras, cuyos ingresos, sumados todos los de la unidad familiar no superen el importe del Salario Mínimo Interprofesional.

Properly when it is determined that the applicant or any of the members of the family unit are recognized as having a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65 per cent, the income ceiling to consider is 125 per cent of the minimum wage.

What i have to make?

1.- Certificate of income by any concept of persons living at home and, in particular the following:

a) Accreditation on the basis of theINCOMEthe above targets from obtaining the age of 16 members of the family unit: certification issued by the company work organization or, if the person is released as autonomous, photocopy for compulsa of recent statements made quarterly income to Finance.

(b) original certificates onPENSIONSown and outside the system of Social security and, if any, pensioners, social services or mutuality, of every member of the family unit.

(c)REPORT OF WORKING LIFEoriginal issued by theSOCIAL SECURITY, of the members of the family unit over the age of 16 and under 65 years and who are in any of the following situations: to work or unemployment, or be pensioner of permanent total invalidad or widowhood. You can obtain it in his home by 901 50 20 50.

(d) original certificates ofSEPEon registration and economic perceptions or grant application of the members of the family unit over the age of 16 and under 65 years.

2.- Photocopy of latestRECEIPT OF WASTEIn the case that the incumbent of the receipt has died or does not belong to the family unit, you must make the change of ownership inEMUASA.

3.- Accreditation ofMARITAL STATUSand the use of thePROPERTIES propiedad de los miembros de la unidad familiar, en su caso. Si fuera married or widower/aphotocopy of the book accompanying the registration of marriage in the family record book. Ifseparated or divorced/a, accompanies photocopy of judgement or demand, and the separation agreement.

4.- Written authorization of each member of the family unit over the age of 18 years to seek the Agencia Tributaria Estatal fiscal data requirements.

Where requested?

In General Registry or in any record of the offices of Towns and districts, or through headquarters associated electronics the AMT.

Channels available for processing



You can make this a presencial way in his office.

The Electronic Associated

Processing available through headquarters Associated Electronics

Complementary models for this procedure