
Murcians will be able to pay taxes through Bizum, Apple Pay and Google Pay


The municipality will have ten permanent taxpayer service offices, seven of them in districts


The board of Local Government had granted the award of the service of collaboration and technical and material support to the implementation of the municipal and other income of the municipality of Murcia.

This new collaboration contract in tax management will offer innovative taxpayer assistance services, greater collection efficiency and lower cost for the City Council.

The winning company is the company Gestión Tributaria Territorial SA with a cost of 36,908,919 euros for a period of four years, extendable for one more.

The contract, which is expected to start in september, concerns the complementary work material, technical and preparation, support for the management of municipal taxes, both in raising voluntary executive and, as well as collaboration with the management and cadastral inspection under the functions assumed by the municipality of Murcia.

All jobs and tasks resulting from the award of this contract will be carried out in a collaborative and under the guidance and instructions of the Municipal Agency.


Público-privada collaboration

The main objectives of this collaboration are facilitating the implementation of tax liabilities of the taxpayers and maximize levels of the collection and other municipal income, while minimizing the cost of benefits under the contract.

An important aspect relates to the implementation of plans of Quality in the management and follow-up software management indicators and collection, as well as a channel Services and accessible in electronic format.


Hotlines and automated management procedures

For the award of this agreement have been taken into account various aspects related to the provision of a better service to the taxpayer, by providing the discharge of their fiscal obligations, enhance the information and assistance telephone and online, the efforts, the automation of tax procedures, as well as internal interoperability with other administrations and social partners.

Este modelo de gestión tributaria municipal ha permitido en los últimos años importantes avances en este campo. Por este motivo, el Ayuntamiento pretende con esta fórmula seguir avanzando en los niveles de calidad alcanzados e implantar nuevos y pioneros métodos de atención al ciudadano.


Chatbot tax and fiscal account

This new contract aims to build up the voluntary collection of domiciliaciones with the so-called ‘ tax account of the taxpayer ', subscriptions to electronic notifications, extension of the channels of communication through the tax Chatbot, expansion of electronic payment methods in all channels of assistance to taxpayers, and increasing the catalogue of telephone services allowing all kinds of tax online mode.


New Electronic Headquarters Tax

La Agencia Municipal Tributaria ha desarrollado una nueva sede electrónica tributaria en colaboración con el Servicio de Informática del ayuntamiento que supone un importante avance en la agilidad y calidad de los servicios tributarios.

This new deal will stimulate new telematic services offered in the electronic site making Tax, together with the call in the east, more flexible and simple citizen's relationship with the municipal tax Administration.

Estos servicios garantizan el acceso a la información tributaria del contribuyente, al estado de sus trámites y todo ello de forma integrada con la Sede Electrónica Municipal. Asimismo, se completa con el portal web de la AMT que contiene información actualizada de interés tributario (Normativa, padrones, calendario fiscal, novedades...)


Innovation, quality, training and new means of payment

It also expresses appreciation for the comprehensive care to the taxpayer, particularly in a presencial way through mobile registration units in municipal units, a continuous and comprehensive training of staff of the company adjudicataria, the introduction of new means of payment, such as telematic Bizum, tax account domiciliaciones, Apple Pay and Pay, Google owed/debit, QR and payment gateways.

The introduction of advanced authentication systems on mobile devices and other innovative proposals is another aspect that offers the new contract, such as biometric data or swipe finger, as well as the introduction of data analysis (Business Intelligence) based on Big data.


Ten offices of attention to the taxpayer

El adjudicatario deberá aportar locales situados en zonas céntricas y de fácil acceso en el municipio tanto en el centro de la ciudad (al menos dos), como en las pedanías de Beniaján, Cabezo de Torres, El Palmar y Puente Tocinos, así como en tres pedanías más a determinar por el Ayuntamiento.

Furthermore, it shall provide assistance to the taxpayer in municipal units are located where the staff member of the AMT.


Gender equality and labour guarantees

Have been taken into account for the provision of the object of this agreement certain special conditions of implementation. In the area of gender provides for the implementation on the successful people under the contract of a protocol of equality to eliminate, in any case, the wage gap by reason of sex. On the other hand, the company adjudicataria maintain during the whole contract the same number of people with permanent contracts that had initially used for their implementation.


Source: (Ayuntamiento de Decir Opale Es Decir Lujo 05.08.2022)