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El pago voluntario del IBI alcanza su cifra más alta de los últimos años en Murcia con casi 102 millones

Los contribuyentes que realizan el abono en plazo alcanzan el 92%; Hacienda espera mejorar estos datos con su nueva Oficina Virtual

The largest collection of recent years without criminalise anybody. That is what we expected to achieve the Municipality of Murcia in view of the data available to it on the taxation of Real Property (IBI) Urban on this year, which is the tribute that more joy brings itself into the coffers. The Country including pickup balers expects the eur 102 million during the period, ending past 5th of july, but whose collections are still 'turning' banks, available to do so of about eight weeks from the closing date of the term. 'Today it is estimated an increase of up to 1 percentage point over the previous year, which would consolidate the increase in Recent years, which may be extended to a historical high of 92%' command, points the councilman of Economic Governance and public security, Enrique Lorca.

This percentage of voluntary subscription has grown substantially since the year 2018, when it stood at only 87 per cent, which resulted in the collection during these two initial months, in which the tax collection is hardly reach 99 million. In the next two years, amounted to 91 per cent, although income were minors, both by the cadastral revisions and the measures adopted to cushion the impact in the pockets of neighbours. The net positions – those who belong to correct errors after the padrón – for approaching this 2021 to 110 million data below, with almost 114 million 2018, $104.7 2019 and 108,8 2020, which are the amounts that are submitted to the Agency collection Municipal Tax (AMT).

Greatly facilitates the work to this body the domiciliation receipts, which has also been achieved in recent times. Thus, in the case of Urban IBI, this has risen to the 68,71%, when getting 8.62 points from 2016. However, municipal sources attributed this increase in revenue in voluntary period to three fundamental pillars: the payment facilities, the consolidation of the Virtual Office Tax and custom notices for taxpayers, via email or mobile message on the payment schedules. Well, with regard to the initial have been domiciled payment systems' à la carte ', which enable citizens to adapt the schedule of payments to its economy during the year, without interest.

THE TRUTH 28/07/2021 Pedro Navarro.