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The municipality of Murcia returned to freeze the IBI, road tax and IAE

Decide no aplicar ni siquiera el IPC por noveno año consecutivo y los hosteleros no pagarán por el uso de las terrazas durante todo el 2022

In the year poscovid,municipal taxes not to increase in the municipal levelAs decided by theMunicipality of Murciayesterday, adopted in governing board of theordinances prosecutors 2022, which covered a freeze of taxation, explained to this Drafting municipal sources. The same source noted thatnot even applied the IPC, una medida que la Administración local puso en marcha en 2013.

Thus, the next financial year shall benoveno en que se congelan unos impuestos que son la principal vía de ingresos direct municipal coffers.IBI (Impuesto de Bienes Inmuebles) es el principal tributo que abonan los ciudadanos y suponen unos ingresos para el Ayuntamiento de más de 100 millones.

In 2020 it raise110 million y a 31 de diciembre la Hacienda local había cobrado 101 millones, según consta en laLiquidation of the Municipal Budget of the past yearThe collection of.Taxsecond, the bigger tribute, with thousands of annual receipts, has obtained in 2020 also good results. The liquidation reveals that, of the 26 million planned at the end of the year, had already been raised 22 million. In addition, the board of Government also gave the green light to the draftmodification of ordinances prosecutorsfor the year 2022.

The main feature is thesuspensión de la tasa por aprovechamiento especial de terrenos de uso público con mesas y sillasso that the linethey will not pay nothing to install their terracesthroughout the coming year.

The Onlyrequirement for access to creditis that the restaurant is aware of their tax obligations with the municipal Finance. So that all those taxpayers have debts that currently have access to this benefit prosecutor, may be processingsubdivisions para facilitar el pago de la deuda. Estos fraccionamientos se concederán de forma automatizada a través de la Virtual office Tax en las siguientes condiciones: deuda hasta 3.000 euros, periodo máximo de fraccionamiento 12 meses; deuda de 3.000 a 7.000 euros, 18 meses; deuda de 7.000 a 20.000 euros, 24 meses; deuda de más de 20.000 euros, 36 meses.

Theprojected annual economic impactthis amendment is intended to adopt is 1.213.800 euros. With this measure, the government team 'supports the catering trade that has been one of the most affected by thecovid-19 pandemic, permitiendo que instalen sus terrazas durante el próximo ejercicio de forma totalmente gratuita», explican desde el Ayuntamiento.

The rest of the revisions adopted yesterday obeytechnical improvements in the normative regulationmany of them, responding to the proposals suggested by the General Intervention for the technical improvement of the project, while others seek administrative simplification and clarification in the implementation of local taxes.

(Source: La View Murcia 23 · 10 · 21 Lola García)