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Los economistas colegiados podrán representar telemáticamente a terceros en gestiones con Agencia Municipal Tributaria

The governing board approved a cooperation agreement with the official association of Economists of the Murcia region for the submission of declarations and telematics autoliquidaciones municipal tax on behalf of third parties

The Board has approved a cooperation agreement with the official association of Economists of the Murcia region for the submission of declarations and telematics autoliquidaciones municipal tax on behalf of third parties.

Thanks to this agreement will facilitate the implementation of the road transport telematics tax formal obligations to its members. In particular, may submit through the electronic site or the Virtual Office statements, Tax autoliquidaciones and realize the payment of the same on behalf of third parties, as well as submit requests and resources, tax and obtain any other tax management agree with what the corresponding regulations may establish.

Para que las personas colegiadas puedan realizar los trámites telemáticos a que se refiere este convenio deberán cumplir los siguientes requisitos:

- Sign the document identified of accession to the content of the convention.

- Retain the representation of tax mandated persons on whose behalf they act.

- To establish their capacity as representative.

- Have accredited in the electronic register of Apoderamientos of Tax Information necessary representation to the procedures to be done.

- Have the electronic certificate and annotation in the register of the national Currency Factory and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda. May be valid certificates issued by those other entities providing electronic certification services whose certificates have been admitted by the AMT for the purposes of tax compliance.

- Respetar el cumplimiento de los requisitos para el tratamiento automatizado de los datos de carácter personal.

- Receive by electronic communications and notifications administrative practised them AMT. to do so should provide the e-mail and mobile phone number in the examination of warnings to furnish to the electronic notifications in private.

This is in accordance with article 14 of law 39/2015, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public authorities that, in addition to the legal obligation of legal persons to interact electronically with public administrations, indicates that are also required to interact through electronic means with the administration who exercise a professional activity for which require compulsory membership.

In addition, the General ordinance on management, Collection and inspection of Local Taxes of the municipality of Murcia establishes the obligation under article 28.

Source: EuropaPress 04.02.2022